
Ymweld a'r Ysgwrn

Aeth disgyblion Blwyddyn 12 i'r Ysgwrn heddiw i weld cartref Hedd Wyn a chlywed ei hanes gan aelod o'r teulu, Gerald.

Year 12 pupils visited 'Yr Ysgwrn' today to see the poet Hedd Wyn's home and to hear about Hedd Wyn's life first hand from a member of his family, Gerald.

Jamie Ferguson:
"Es i heddiw i gartref Hedd Wyn, 'Yr Ysgwrn'. Mwynheuais i weld y Gadair Ddu - cadair yr Eisteddfod enillodd Hedd Wyn ar ol marw yn y rhyfel. Hefyd hoffais i weld y gegin fach a'r parlwr lle roedd teulu Hedd Wyn wedi cadw'r cadeiriau Eisteddfodol. Mae 'Yr Ysgwrn' yn le hyfryd ac arbennig iawn."

Marnie Adams:
"I enjoyed seeing all the chairs Hedd Wyn won for poetry competitions at different Eisteddfods. We learnt about the different symbols carved into the chairs and what they represented. I also thought finding out new information about the family, farm and house from Hedd Wyn's nephew, Gerald, was an unforgettable experience."

Matthew Davies:
"Seeing the chairs Ellis (his bardic name was Hedd Wyn) won was an amazing experience. But also I enjoyed learning about the view of someone related to Ellis, especially regarding the film. Ellis' nephew and the family disagreed with the 'Hollywood' portrayal of Ellis' social life and love life as they believe him to have been a normal family man."

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