
Beatbocsio'n Gymraeg

Daeth Ed Holden, aka Mr Phormula, i'r ysgol heddiw i rhedeg gweithdy beatbocsio gyda disgyblion Blwyddyn 10 a 12.

Ed Holden, aka Mr Phormula, came to the school today to run a beatboxing workshop with Year 10 and 12 pupils.


  1. The Welsh workshop was about a bilingual beatboxer. It was fun when he sounded theme tunes and we had to guess them. We learnt that you can use the Welsh language in different ways. This is important because some people would find it more interesting using rap instead of just speaking the language. We think it is important for people who use the Welsh language to come to school to do workshops as it can influence more people to start to use the Welsh language for different things.
    Ellie Mae and Olivia

  2. The workshop was a beatboxer, Ed Holden, talking about his journey to his career in beat boxing. However, he also rapped in Welsh and English which was alternative and interesting. Our workshop was inspiring and beneficial, although this did not teach us to speak Welsh. It's important to show young people that Welsh can be used in many 'cool' jobs.
    Erin and Sophie

  3. Ed Holden or Mr Phormula is a beatboxer who travels the world to places such as New York and LA. The best part of the workshop was when he did the helicopter sound. I think this type of workshop is important because it gives an idea of how Welsh is spoken as it is not widely spoken. It gives us an idea of how and why the Welsh language is actually relevant. I learned how the Welsh language can sound fun. However I cannot understand the Welsh language when it is being spoken so quickly!

  4. The workshop was about using the Welsh language in your workplace. The most fun part of the workshop was when Mr Phormula was teaching us how to make the noises. I learnt that using the Welsh language in your work gives you benefit over non-bilingual people. It shows students the possible benefits of using Welsh more often out of school and job opportunities involved.
    Jack and Alex

  5. I found the part where he sung and beat boxed at the same time the most interesting. I learnt that Welsh could be used for more than just a conversation between people and can be used in multiple ways. I think it is important for people who use Welsh in their work to come in and do workshops like this because it shows you how useful the Welsh language can be in work.
    Chloe and Tom

  6. We found the workshop interesting as it was showing the Welsh language in a new light. I learned that Welsh can be easier to learn in song form. It is important because it shows us that we will use Welsh after we leave school.
    Emily and Rob

  7. The workshop was about beatboxing. We found the workshop interesting as we have never heard a Welsh beatboxer. We learnt that you can beatbox in Welsh and use Welsh in many jobs. This workshop gets the Welsh language out there and it makes it cool.
    Kate, Izzy and Jem

  8. I thought that Ed Holden was a great performer. He was a professional beatboxer but he used Welsh and English. I found that the first part of the workshop was the best when he got us to try to beatbox. I think it was important because we need to know how Welsh can be used in a variety of jobs in later life.
    Luke and Will


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