
Yr Ymwelydd - Ioan Kidd

Ioan Kidd yn darllen o'i gyfrol
Cawson ni'r fraint o ymweliad gan Ioan Kidd, awdur cyfrol o straeon byrion o'r enw 'O'r Cyrion' heddiw. Mwynheuodd tua 20 o ddisgyblion o ysgolion Y Bont Faen, Stanwell a Howell's wrando ar Ioan Kidd yn siarad am gefndir y straeon a'i brofiad personol e a arweiniodd at ysgrifennu'r stori 'Yr Ymwelydd'. Daeth a'r stori yn fyw i'r disgyblion drwy ddisgrifio, gan ddefnyddio tafodiaith de orllewin Cymru, ei brofiad anghyfforddus o fod yng nghlwb y gweithwyr yng Nghwmafan gyda'i dad pan doedd e ddim yn teimlo fel rhan o'r gymuned ers symud i weithio yn y brifddinas.

Fe wnaeth Ioan Kidd ganmol cwestiynau craff a sylwgar y disgyblion yn ogystal a safon uchel eu Cymraeg.

Diolchodd Mrs Thomas, y Pennaeth, iddo am ei amser gan rannu'r ffaith ei bod hi wedi mwynhau darllen y straeon ei hun ac yn gallu uniaethu gyda'r cymeriadau.

The Welsh department had the pleasure of a visit from Ioan Kidd, the author of a book of short stories entitled 'O'r Cyrion' (From the Fringes). Twenty pupils from Cowbridge, Stanwell and Howell's schools enjoyed listening to Ioan Kidd talking about the background to the stories and his personal experience that led to him writing the story 'Yr Ymwelydd' (The Visitor). He brought the story to life for the pupils by describing, in his south west Wales dialect, the uncomfortable experience of being in the workingmen's club in Cwmavon with his father and workers from the steelworks when he felt that he wasn't a part of the community since moving to work in the capital.

Ioan Kidd praised the pupils' astute and perseptive questioning as well as the high standard of their spoken Welsh.

Mrs Thomas, the Headteacher, thanked him for his time and shared the fact that she has enjoyed reading the stories herself and can identify with the characters.

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