Help with GCSE:
- BBC Wales - about the Welsh language
- The Welsh language past and present, including BBC Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens' Welsh word of the day
- Welsh Alphabet
- Welsh Alphabet - pronounciation
- Welsh Alphabet - pronounciation youtube
- Welsh Alphabet - pronounciation BBC
There are a number of online Welsh dictionaries:
- Dictionary - English-Welsh, The Welsh Academy
- Dictionary - English-Welsh, Welsh-English, BBC Wales
- Dictionary - English-Welsh, Welsh-English, University of Wales
- Welsh Spellcheck - Cysill arlein
Read and watch Welsh:
- News - BBC Newyddion
- switch on BBC Vocab (top right hand side of the web page) for an instant translation of key vocabulary
- News - Golwg360
- switch on BBC Vocab (top right hand side of the web page) for an instant translation of key vocabulary
- S4C - Hwb, programme for Welsh learners
- S4C - Stwnsh, programmes and games for young people